Participants Required for Research Study into Nature Connection for Women Diagnosed with Autism / ADHD

Would you like to take part in an important research study exploring how women living with a diagnosis of ADHD/Autism and ADHD experience nature connection as well as their self-understanding in relation to society and to nature? 🌞 🌊 🌸

Are you a woman living with ADHD/AuDHD who loves nature?
Were diagnosed with ADHD or AuDHD at 22 years of age or older?
Do you experience a deep-felt connection with nature?
Do you engage with nature on a semi-regular basis about once a week or more?
Do you have a support network and tools to manage challenges?
Are you able to express complex experiences using English?

If you answered “yes” to the above questions and are willing to share your experiences relating to ADHD/AuDHD and nature connection during a 60-minute online interview, please email the Researcher: Lindsay Blotzer at ALTLBLOT@LJMU.AC.UK for more information.

All data will be anonymized to protect your privacy.

This study is in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University and Alef Trust in partial fulfillment of an MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology.

With this research, Lindsay hopes to contribute toward a greater understanding of the experiences of neurodivergent women and nature connection.

Thank you ❤

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Struggling with existential questions about life? Supportive Conversations still available free of charge

My wonderfully wise and compassionate co- student on Alef’s MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology, Laura, still has spaces available if you’re struggling with some bigger life questions and would like to take the opportunity for some free supportive conversations…

Laura says: The project has got off to a great start but I still have some availability for sessions, so please feel free to get in touch! Please email: to book an initial session.

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I’m going through a spiritual crisis. How can astrology help me? (Written By Martha Sneyd)


If you have recently experienced some kind of spiritual crisis and are looking for help understanding and integrating it, this article is for you. I will take you through how working with a trauma informed astrologer can honour the spiritual wisdom of your experience, while situating it within the bigger picture of your life, and your destiny. This can offer reassurance, grounding as well as inspiration.

My work is all about supporting people to navigate life after big, powerful experiences- experiences that we could call transpersonal -because they connect us to something beyond ourselves. It could be anything from a blissful awakening experience to a manic episode to a dark night of the soul- or all three.

So what might be the role of astrology in this process of integration and transformation?

As a practitioner and eternal student of astrology, specifically ancient western astrology, I have found it to be a powerful ally in my own process, and in the lives of friends, peers and people I support.

Here’s a little background on what I mean by ‘ancient, western astrology’ and why it can be such a profound healing tool:

In the ancient world, natal astrology (where the life of an individual is studied) emerged around 500 BCE. It was born from a time in history where a diverse variety of Mediterranean religions, Mystery Schools and philosophical ideas were blossoming, along with advances in mathematics and astronomy.

Ideas about the nature of reality, the soul, divinity and the heavens were shared by Platonic, Pythagorean, Orphic and Hermetic wisdom traditions which included astrology and the zodiac. I share this to highlight something that is perhaps obvious- practiced correctly, astrology was deeply spiritual and was discovered as a way to embody the insights of some of the ancient world’s most well-known and profound thinkers.

For the sages who practiced it, it served as a reminder of their eternal nature amidst the diverse rollercoaster of earthly experiences. My teacher, Adam Elenbaas puts it beautifully:

“Astrology trains our minds to see eternity within the fluctuations of our material lives, especially the ups and downs of our destiny path”.

With this ancient form of divination as an ally, we are able to see the diversity of experiences (including the hard ones) as part of something bigger. This perspective is probably not new to you, but what astrology offers is to see, literally written in the heavens, the archetypal signature of whatever you are grappling with: Troubles with a partner, issues with a child or a parent, a change in financial situation, or, mental, emotional or spiritual sorts of crises and transformations. Trying to remember that whatever each moment brings is part of a larger, divine picture becomes easier with astrology because it offers more detail about that picture, infusing life with meaning, depth and soulfulness in a grounded and pragmatic way.

With spiritual crisis, there can be a sense of being shaken to the core. If you’re reading this, then you know: This is not just the furniture of your life being moved around, like a new place to live, a new job or spouse.

It is like realising the life you thought you had, with all that nice furniture, doesn’t even exist in the way you thought it did.

There’s no going back from this kind of experience and your life will change. This can be both liberating and destabilising; exciting and paralysing; joyful and terrifying.

Without the right support, this is the point where some people go mad- too much has changed too quickly within the psyche. 

Reality is not what I thought. So what the hell is this? Who am I? Am I everything? Am I nothing?

Cue existential crisis and/or psychotic breakdown. This is what happened to me, and I am very thankful to have come back from those extreme edges of experience. But I am also so happy I went, because going to those edges has given me certain perspectives that I couldn’t have gained from any other place.

With the right support, spiritual crisis doesn’t have to go to those extremes, and for some people it just never does. Either way,

the role of astrology in these times of existential upheaval is to validate this turning point as meaningful, important and a part of your destiny path. In other words: there’s nothing wrong.

Spiritual crisis can feel very isolating, like we are the only ones in the world going through it. With astrology, the nature of those isolating experiences is expressed through planetary combinations that speak not just to an individual’s pain and challenge, but to an archetypal domain of reality. This honours the individual’s strife by weaving it into a larger tapestry of valid human experience, reminding us we are not alone. As Adam says,

“To have your pain validated and reflected by the heavens is dignifying”.

 The archetypal, collective nature of planetary signatures also grounds the individual by locating them within something much bigger than just our own personal experience. This can be useful because sometimes spiritual crisis can involve grandiosity and a feeling of Oneness that eclipses the rest of life and the needs of people around us. By reminding ourselves we are just a drop in the vast ocean, as well as the ocean itself, we can rest easy in our humble human life, without squashing the seed of awakening that is emerging through our crisis.

Modern astrology tends to emphasise manifestation and self-empowerment more than the ancients did. This is fine, but what’s valuable about traditional astrology is the recognition of larger forces beyond our control, and the stoic practice of acceptance when difficulty comes our way. There is a humility in this approach that can be a real remedy for the feeling of being ‘all-powerful’ manifesting machines that new age spirituality and/or spiritual crisis can incur. 

Another way that astrology can help integrate spiritual crisis is because it describes cycles of time. Every cycle (or transit, as they are known in astrology) has a beginning and an end.

To know where we are at in a difficult cycle can be incredibly reassuring and give us the strength to just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

When the experience of spiritual crisis involves deep depression, suicidality or intrusive/ psychotic thoughts, the knowledge that we are in a particularly challenging area of astrological weather can be life saving.

A word of caution though; The use of transits and cycles in astrology, when used incorrectly can do more harm than good. We can even start to blame the planets and wish they’d just leave us alone. This is to misunderstand astrology and to misunderstand life. Life will not leave us alone, however much we wish it would sometimes. Sure, in three months time, that tricky transit will have moved on, but challenging experiences are going to keep coming in some area of life, along with joyful, confusing, intriguing and shocking ones. Our job is to be present to it all as much as we can, moment by moment by moment.

If peak experiences are part of our journey, as beautiful and pleasant as they are, they aren’t meant to be a final refuge. We are not meant to hide out in perfection. The world needs us too much for that. There can be a sense of failure or disappointment when peak experiences come and then fade away.

We might go through a cycle of yearning for a certain experience, attain it, experience it passing away and then feel in a kind of void, seeking another hit as soon as we can. This is the cyclical nature of experience that can grab us whether its money and power we want, or final enlightenment. The ancient greek word for planet translates to ‘grabber’ which points to our tendency to be ‘grabbed’ by the material world, or whatever transit we are going through.

Again, astrology aims to remind us that all earthly experience- the highs, the lows and everything inbetween is like water rushing through a river bank. If we try to cling, the water stagnates. We all do it, but what’s wonderful about astrology is that as transits come to us again and again we can notice, with curiosity and self compassion, the ways in which we are ‘grabbed’ by material circumstance. Awe and wonder can arise as we remember that this moment, difficult as it mght be, was written in the stars,  helping us to be with life, however it is right now. 

A final word if spiritual crisis is bringing you to astrology – it’s very important to choose a trauma informed astrologer with some therapeutic skill and spiritual wisdom. What you’re going through is profound- and deserving of someone who can honour the transformative potential of what to some people might look scary or crazy. Go with who resonates and trust your gut, remember that you are the authority on your own experience and astrology is just a map offering a different perspective.

CLICK HERE to connect with Martha and explore her unique approach to support.

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Changing Global Societal Norms; A Paradigm Shift

Human Rights and supporting mental health challenges

Emerging Proud was launched with the vision of being a Human Rights campaign – part of a wider movement to re- frame ‘out of the ordinary experiences’ as potential catalysts for transformation, if appropriately supported.

What constitutes ‘appropriate support’ for such complex experiences which can’t yet be defined? We are starting to get answers which build a bridge to mainstream services for people who chose to frame their experiences outside of the medical model.

In 2012, the World Health Organisation (WHO) created the QualityRights Initiative. This global programme is working to improve the quality of care provided to people with mental health challenges and to promote the human rights of people with mental health conditions, psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities. Its approach to care and support is rights-based and recovery-oriented. Freedom from coercive interventions, respect for the right to informed consent, and the promotion of autonomy, choice, community inclusion and recovery are at the core of this programme.

Changes in legislation which impact the future of implementing more holistic MH service provision

Last week, Michelle Funk, Head of the Policy, Law and Human Rights Unit at the WHO, gave a talk on ‘Re-imagining Mental Health Services’ at the Research into Recovery conference, Nottingham, UK.

The implementation of the Articles for the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (we’ll ignore that languaging for now) (CRPD) has been ratified across multiple countries, meaning the legal necessity to reform mental health policies, legislation and support provision in line with human rights standards.

The CRPD rights, most relevant to mental health are:

  • Article 12: Legal capacity and supported decision making (more empowerment for service users to chose their treatment)
  • Article 14: Liberty and Security of a person (this article calls for an end to involuntary detention / hospitalisation)
  • Article 19: independent Community Living (more holistic service available within community settings)
  • Article 25: An equitable Right to Health

The WHO has recommendations for scaling- up rights- based services, including for those who frame experiences beyond the bio- medical model

This indicates a paradigm shift to more holistic service provision

Oct 9th 11.30am UK / 12.30pm CEST will see the launch of the Joint WHO/OHCHR guidance and practice on mental health, human rights and legislation – sign up for free to take part here.

The WHO provides free online training to improve understanding about mental health, tackle stigma and discrimination and improve the way in which we provide services and support to people with mental health conditions or psychosocial, intellectual and cognitive disabilities (including alternative framing for ‘out of the ordinary’ experiences which result in MH challenges).

You can take the free e-training in Human Rights and MH law here: 

Hold tight everyone, it’s time to emerge into the dawn of a new paradigm together ❤

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Peer- supported Transpersonal Integration

Have you had a spiritual emergency and are looking for support in grounding and integrating your experience?

Have you taken psychedelics or plant medicines and are struggling to navigate life afterwards?

Have you had unusual experiences that have been destabilising, scary or confusing?

Do you sense your breakdown is destined to become a breakthrough?

If so, you are not alone.

I am Martha, an Experiencer of spiritual emergency and I believe that more and more people are going through big spiritual openings as part of the evolution of consciousness on this planet.  I am a trauma-sensitive mindfulness and compassion teacher who specialises in providing grounding, stabilisation and integration work for people emerging from spiritual crisis or challenging transpersonal experiences.

Evolution of any kind is not all ‘love and light’- it can be messy, dark, difficult and lonely. It can be destabilising and for some, permanently debilitating if not held within the right therapeutic container.

I am not a spiritual teacher, guru or wholly awakened being. I am not here to take you to the top of the mountain where you will transcend all suffering.

I am simply here to build a safe and steady bridge- between the rocky emergence from spiritual crisis or breakdown to the next part of your journey, whatever that looks like:

You might want to get more stable to have some really in-depth psychotherapy; or more integrated to start following your medicine path;

or just a little more at ease with yourself, to move forward through life as your own friend, with an open heart and feet on the ground.

I offer intuitive peer counselling where a sense of trust and authenticity is built as the foundation of our work. This is a space where you will be held in a safe, skilled and sensitive way, without labels or diagnoses. Alongside a safely held space to talk, we work directly with the body/mind’s distress by regulating the nervous system through evidence-based mindfulness and compassion practices. Our aim here is cultivate embodied awareness, inner stability and self-kindness, so that you can begin to trust in your ability to navigate future challenges.

This, in a nutshell is the work- to provide spiritually aware and psychologically safe support that honours the transformative potential of challenging transpersonal experiences.

If you think this might be helpful for you or someone you know, check the website or get in touch.

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Calling Therapists to take part in a short research survey!

Dear colleague, are you a licensed therapist?

Would you be willing to take 8 minutes to fill out a questionnaire for a research study?

Your participation would be very much appreciated!

Please see details on the study below:


We cordially invite you to participate in a research study conducted by MSc students Martin, Paul, Katie, and Shabnam as part of Alef Trust’s graduate programme in Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology in collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University, UK,

The purpose of this study is to explore psychotherapists’ sense of connectedness with oneself, others, and the world.

If you meet the following participation criteria, we encourage you to complete an online questionnaire that will take approximately 8 minutes to finish:

– Licensed psychotherapist

– Minimum of 2 years of clinical practice

– Age between 30 to 60 years

– Proficient in the English language

If this is you, please follow the link below to access the questionnaire:

Your participation is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential, and you may withdraw at any time. Your responses will be used solely for research purposes.

If you have any queries or require additional information, please feel free to email any of us:

Martin Leitner:

Paul Norris:

Shabnam Faltenbach:

Katie Mottram:

Study Supervisor: Tadas Stumbrys, PhD. Email address:

Thank you for considering contributing to this research project. Please feel free to share this with your networks.

With warm regards,

Martin, Paul, Katie and Shabnam

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Take part in an innovative research study – Have you experienced ‘psychosis’ and taken psychedelics?

People diagnosed with having experienced an episode of ‘psychosis’ are often excluded from taking part in research, however, this study seeks to have an impact on understanding how psychedelics can harm or benefit people who have been excluded from previous clinical trials of psychedelics.

Click HERE for more information and to take part

At this time, we are only interested in the experiences of people who have used psychedelics after their first psychotic episode.

Click HERE for more information and to take part

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An invitation to connect more deeply with your place in the Eco-systemic whole (in- person, Norfolk, UK)

“I am not an individual, I am an Ecosystem”

Reginald Haslett-Marroquin

Reconnect – Regenerate – Remember

Re-connect with the natural world around you.
Re-generate your love for our beautiful planet.
Re-member that you are an intrinsic part of the eco-system.

There is an invitation in the air at the moment for us to deeply reconnect to ourselves and the natural world around us. If you are drawn to doing this and are especially drawn to plant consciousness and sensing in to how to ‘speak’ to plants and the plant realm, there is an opportunity to come together and learn some techniques to do so.


Kate Fisher has always been a nature lover as so many of us sensitives are. She started her plant consciousness journey studying magical herbalism and self studied medicinal herbalism. Coming to the end of those courses she sensed into knowing there was a deeper level to know the plants and found the concept of plant shamanism. After reading up and learning as much theory as she could, for a while she wanted to experience it for herself, so travelled to different countries; Philippines, America and Peru, learning from the Shamans and plants there. It is now a part of her everyday life as she is continuing to live and learn the old traditions and permaculture and regenerative agriculture principles.

This inspiring course, offered by Kate, is starting near Yule (21st Dec) on the weekend on 17th and 18th December as this helps connects us deeper to the cycle of the year and in doing so, the cycles of nature. Starting at this time helps us to feel into ourselves as a seedling being planted in the dark Earth, bringing what we need into us to germinate and create a seedling. It is beginning with self reflection so we can then differentiate the signals from ourselves (on all levels) and then have clearer conversations with the plant realm.

“We come in to go out, just as plants grow down to grow up” Kate

This will be an organic, ongoing offering that asks for a commitment so that the group can develop at a similar pace and grows trust amongst the participants.

“It helps us become a human grove; sharing knowledge, wisdom, tools, techniques and so much more.” Kate

AIM: Meeting once a month, out in the Norfolk (UK) countryside, for a few hours to develop skills and learn techniques for connecting.

This course is being offered via a gift economy. This means that in the outdated paradigm you would be asked to pay £20 or more to attend, however with the gift economy the flexibility allows trust to enable you to pay what you can. This way finances are not a hurdle for anyone to attend. If you are feeling abundant and can share more sometimes than others, your place is guaranteed.

If you would like to join us, please visit Kates page HERE

or email Kate directly at:

“I look forward to communicating with you” Nature 🙂

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It’s almost here – grab your seat! Drop the Disorder Online Festival 2022, 16th Sept

Don’t miss this ground- breaking event. A huge array of world- leading Speakers to enjoy:

Reserve your place via this link (donation only)

Reserve your place via this link (donation only)

Links to the recording of festival presentations will be made available to delegates after the event.

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