Meet the Emerging Kind (tEK) team

So far we’ve introduced you to Mick from the project’s Steering committee and Elizabeth, our Peer Facilitator trainer. Today it’s the turn of Jeannet to introduce herself!

Jeannet tEK

Jeannet joined the Emerging Kind Steering committee following the Emerging Proud launch on the 12th May, offering her very valuable guidance and support, particularly with regards to governance issues.

Jeannet is a Social Worker in a hospice in her ‘day job’, and is extremely brave to speak out about her personal experiences whilst holding such a responsible position; not an easy thing to do, but absolutely necessary if we are going to achieve the paradigm shift that is so desperately needed; a shift to a non- hierarchical approach in mental health services…

Here Jeannet talks a bit about her personal journey:

Thank you Jeannet, for your dedication and support, with love from the Emerging Kind team, and Emerging Proud community ❤


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1 Response to Meet the Emerging Kind (tEK) team

  1. susieviolin says:

    Absolutely wonderful, Jeannet. I am honoured to know you. Thank you for bring part of this amazing movement, and for being so open about your own path. Much love to you, Susie 💗


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