Stephanie Mitchell talks about the non-pathologising approach of IFS, with a focus on experiences / processes that get called ‘psychosis’, and spiritual emergency…

I was inspired to start dipping a toe back into doing Emerging Proud interviews by my dear friend Stephanie, as I’ve learned so much from her through our conversations over the past couple of years.

So here we are, raw and unedited – Stephanie and I both felt a little ‘squirmy’ about putting this out, but nothing is ever perfect is it? Hopefully it’s helpful (Apologies for the internet blips too).

An interview with Stephanie Mitchell, 01/06/24

Stephanie Mitchell is an Australian based Internal Family Systems psychotherapist who specialises in working with clients who have experienced childhood trauma, and those who experience labels of BPD or psychosis. She also offers workshops for professionals on working with IFS and early developmental trauma. You can find out more about Stephanie’s work on her website:

Links to work mentioned during the interview:

Stephanie’s video I mention: ‘Self has no power not granted by Parts’

Stephanie honours the teachings of the Founder of IFS, Richard (Dick) Schwartz and mentions this podcast

The Power Threat Meaning Framework (Dr Lucy Johnstone, Prof Mary Boyle, Eleanor Longden and team)

Matt Ball and The Humane Clinic – latest paper on ‘Dissociachotic’

Dr Chalie Heriot-Maitland and his latest paper on shame, and the influence of social norms on dissociation

 Oryx Cohen and PJ Moynihan’s Film Healing Voices

We talked about a collaboration which is in the pipeline for an IFS course for Peers with IMROC


Kalsched, D. Trauma and the Soul and The inner world of trauma: archetypal defenses

Moscowitz: Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Evolving Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology

 Altogether Us: Integrating the IFS Model with Key Modalities, Communities, and Trends, by Jenna Riemersma

Robert Falconer: The others within us

Peter Levine: Waking the tiger

This image, created by Stephanie, depicts how IFS understands how trauma causes dissociation, the different roles Parts play, and resulting behaviours that can manifest. All Parts need the loving attention of the Self in order to feel safe enough to give up their role and bring in their natural qualities. 

Image Source: Stephanie Mitchell. (This image is solely Stephanies)

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